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Contest Winners

Atlantis Contest by Yasny-chanstamps

The End

As it's usual in my contests, I begged the collaboration of 4 people who know a lot about art, to help me judge the works.Without any special order: ElenaDudina, Laura-BC, VampirePrincess007, Yasny-chan

Each judge had the same decision in the votes. So we were 5 judges.

Having less works than in my previous contest (around half), I selected a simpler voting process. Each judge voted 10 works, and assigned a sequential score: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1.

I like comment curiosities about voting process. It help to understand a process that isn't easy or simple at all:
- 25 entries received votes
- Of those 25, only 2 were voted by all the judges: the first and the second place
- In this contest, the winner work has been voted in first place, and twice. But nobody voted the second work in first place of the list. It's there cause was voted (and very well) but all the judges.
- It's not been draw in the 5 first places. Final votes has been: 37, 29, 28, 26 y 22
- Sadly, I've had to disqualify 3 entries, cause even if the author has been warned several times, he (or she) did not follow the rules of the contest. I've not deleted the works from the list of participants, but deleted from the prices list. I think it's unfair give a prize to someone who, no matter how good is, not follow the rules. It's unfair for the other contestants, who follow them.
- In the beginning of the contest, also had to disqualify a work (deleted it from the entries list) cause it was a plagiarism of another work found in the web (thanks you very much for the warning, my friend, you know who you are).

And, better I stop chitchatting, and let's see the winners:

1st Place
Matte - Lost among the ruins by MartaNael

2nd Place
Telkhin in Atlantis by inSOLense

3rd Place

4th Place
-Atlantis Ruins- by enixeffex

5th Place
Golden Past by desired18

To have a complete "Top Ten", here are the next most voted works (without prize)

Mature Content

Silent play by esstera

Last Moon Over Atlantis by LordScythe
Guardians of the Lost City by violscraper & New Atlantis by Chromamancer & :thumb143925562:
(last 3 with the same votes)

My deepest gratitude to the judges who helped me in this arduous work, to =Yasny-chan for the amazing stamp she created for the contest, to all participants, to the donators for the prizes, and all who followed this contest in some way.

And specially thanks to YOU for been reading this :)

Atlantis Contest by Yasny-chanstamps

Entry created 10/noviembre/2009

CSS diseñado por vvirtual sin tener ni idea de CSS, asi que no seais demasiado durs

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Ganadores del concurso

Concurso Atlantida by Yasny-chanstamps

Punto y Final

Como ya es costumbre en mis concursos, pedí colaboración desde el principio a 4 personas que saben mucho más que yo de arte para juzgar a los ganadores. Sin orden definido: VampirePrincess007, Yasny-chan, ElenaDudina, Laura-BC

Cada una de las jueces tendría el mismo peso que mi propia votación. Así pues, éramos 5 los encargados de los votos.

Al tener menos obras que en el anterior concurso (practicamente la mitad), elegí un sistema de puntuación más sencillo que la vez anterior. Se votaron a 10 trabajos cada uno, y se asignó una puntuación secuencial: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 y 1.

Me gusta comentar curiosidades en las votaciones. Dan solidez al trabajo realizado por ls juecs que no es sencillo, ni rapido ni facil:
- De todas las obras presentadas, han recibido votos 25 de ellas
- De las 25 votadas, solo 2 obras han recibido votos de ls 5 jueces: la ganadora, y el segundo puesto
- En este concurso, la obra ganadora sí ha sido votada en primer lugar, en dos ocasiones además, pero nadie ha votado en primer lugar a la obra que ha quedado segunda, situándose en esa posición por la suma de los votos de tods ls jueces.
- No ha habido empate en los 5 primeros puestos. Las puntuaciones han sido (por orden): 37, 29, 28, 26 y 22
- Tristemente, he tenido que descalificar tres trabajos, ya que a pesar de haber sido advertid@ en reiteradas ocasiones, el autor (o autora) no ha cumplido las reglas. No los he eliminado de la lista de trabajos presentados, pero sí de la lista de premios. Considero una injusticia premiar a alguien, por buen@ que sea, si no cumple las reglas, que tods los dems sí han cumplido religiosamente.
- Al principo del concurso tambien se descalificó una obra (y se eliminó de la lista), ya que plagiaba abiertamente una obra encontrada en la web (gracias por el aviso, amiga mia, tu sabes quien eres).

Y me dejo ya de rollos, y vamos con los premios:

1er Premio
Matte - Lost among the ruins by MartaNael

2do Premio
Telkhin in Atlantis by inSOLense

3er Premio

4to Premio
-Atlantis Ruins- by enixeffex

5to Premio
Golden Past by desired18

Para completar un "Top Ten", las siguientes obras más votadas han sido:

Mature Content

Silent play by esstera

Last Moon Over Atlantis by LordScythe
Guardians of the Lost City by violscraper & New Atlantis by Chromamancer & :thumb143925562:
(los últimos 3 con la misma puntuación)

Mi más sincero agradecimiento a las jueces que me han ayudado en esta árdua tarea, a Yasny-chan por el stamp que creó para el concurso, a todos los participantes, a los que han donado premios, y a todos los que habeis seguido el concurso de una u otra forma.

Y especialmente, como siempre, gracias a TI, por estar leyendo esto :)

Concurso Atlantida by Yasny-chanstamps

Entrada creada el 10/noviembre/2009

CSS diseñado por vvirtual sin tener ni idea de CSS, asi que no seais demasiado durs

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¿Como imaginas La Atlántida?

30/nov/2009 - Añadidas las últimas 14 entradas, y cerrado el concurso, 3 días mas tarde de lo anunciado debido a un imprevisto personal. Lamento el retraso. Ahora es la hora de juzgar. Los ganadores se anunciarán cuando ls jueces hayamos hecho nuestra parte en este asunto, que calculo será dentro de 2-3 días.
(entradas e historial de actualizaciones al final del journal)

La Atlántida

¿Qué tienen en común: Islas Azores (Oceano Atlántico), Isla Bimini (frente a Florida), Creta (Mar Mediterráneo), Tartessos (cerca de la actual Cádiz, España), Malta (Mar Mediterráneo), Los Andes (a su paso por Bolivia), Isla de Pharos (Alejandría, Egipto), Cordillera del Atlas (norte de África), Chipre (Mar Mediterráneo), Coto de Doñana (España), Islas Cícladas (Mar Egeo), Cerdeña (Mar Mediterráneo), Antártida o la Galaxia Pegaso (allá arriba, muy muy lejos), y otros cientos que no caben aquí?. El único punto en común es que todos han sido, y son, posibles herederos de un mito que alguien sitúa en ellos.

¿Qué tienen en común autores como Platón, Julio Verne, la editorial Marvel, o la DC, o Walt Disney Company? (por nombrar solo a algunos pocos conocidos)

Concurso Atlantida by Yasny-chanstamps

La Atlántida. Atlantis en inglés, Atlantidae en alemán, Atlantide en italiano, L’Atlantide en francés, Atlântida en portugués,… y así podríamos seguir, porque todas las grandes lenguas del mundo incluyen una palabra para definir al conocido como “El Continente Perdido”.

¿Qué tiene el mito de la Atlántida que atrae tanto la imaginación humana?

Hundido bajo las aguas, destrozado por la fuerza del mar y desaparecido, como lo narró Julio Verne en su novela 20000 leguas de viaje submarino.

Escondido en el interior de la tierra, viejo y olvidado, como lo visualizaron los dibujantes de Disney en su película Atlantis.

Como una ciudad sumergida en un planeta de la Galaxia Pegaso, según los guionistas de la serie de televisión StarGate Atlantis.

Sea como fuere, lo que todos o casi todos tienen en común es la relación entre La Atlántida y el agua. El líquido elemento es lo primero que se nos viene a la cabeza casi a todos cuando vemos, escuchamos, o reconocemos “Atlántida” en algún sitio. Solo hay que realizar una búsqueda en DeviantART para comprobar que, cuando quitamos las relacionadas con la película de Disney y con la serie de televisión StarGate, casi todo lo que queda es… agua.
Fue precisamente una búsqueda en DeviantART, y algunas de las imágenes aparecidas, las que me inspiraron para la creación de este segundo concurso. Si el primero era sobre Paisajes de Fantasía, el segundo debía ser algo que excitara la fantasía casi al mismo nivel que el primero. Y pocas cosas alimentan tanto la imaginación como La Atlántida.

Porque La Atlántida es mucho más que agua. Es poder, es energía, es olvido, es claustrofobia, es tecnología de vanguardia, es hidrofobia (miedo al agua), es belleza, es desolación, es un paisaje nocturno mostrándonos una atlanteana mirando la luna… o las lunas, es una ola gigante arrasando una ciudad hasta los cimientos, es una mujer con un vestido griego, es un hombre con una lanza… o un láser, es una sirena admirando el edificio más alto de su ciudad, es una cupula bajo el mar… o en el espacio, es una isla bajo un iceberg… o sobre él, es un guerrero montando una orca… o una niña montando un delfín, es una guerrera con un traje-robot de última generación… o un niño jugando con un muñeco roto enganchado en las enormes puertas de la ciudad que evitan la entrada del mar en sus vidas, es una ciudad circular rodeada de canales, es un pez nadando sobre unas ruinas, es un ave sobrevolando la más tecnológica de las ciudades, es una vaca paciendo tranquilamente mientras un atlánteo ordeña sus ubres, es una estatua cubierta por el agua, …

Te toca a ti. Cierra tus ojos durante un momento. Piensa una sola palabra: “Atlántida”. ¿Qué es lo primero que te viene a la cabeza? Pues abre los ojos, píllate un lapiz, rotulador, ratón o tableta gráfica, y empieza a plasmarlo.

Comparte con DeviantART en general, y con los locos amantes de la fantasía más maravillosa, tu visión de La Atlántida.

¿Nos ayudas?

Inicio: 27 de Octubre
Finalización: 27 de Noviembre

Una vez más, he tenido que pedir ayuda a la gente que verdaderamente entiende de arte.
Mi más sincero agradecimiento a las jueces del concurso (por orden alfabético inverso):

Si alguien desea colaborar y ofrecer un premio, el que sea, desde Features a lo que sea, será más que bienvenid@

1er Premio
1 año de suscripción a DeviantART por vvirtual
3 meses de suscripción a DeviantART por Yasny-chan
3 posters de obras del ganador / la ganadora, a 60cm x 90cm, uno de ellos de la obra premiada
Una pieza de stock exclusivo de FrozenStarART
Feature en el journal de ElenaDudina
Feature en el journal de Yasny-chan
Feature en el journal de VampirePrincess007
Feature en el journal de Xepy
Feature en el journal de JeremiahMorelli
Feature en el journal de CearaFinn
Feature en el journal de Cesar-09
Feature en el journal de CiLiNDr0
Feature en el journal de padisio
Feature en el journal de vvirtual

2do Premio
6 meses de suscripción a DeviantART
2 posters de obras del ganador / la ganadora, a 60cm x 90cm, uno de ellos de la obra premiada
Feature en el journal de ElenaDudina
Feature en el journal de Yasny-chan
Feature en el journal de VampirePrincess007
Feature en el journal de Xepy
Feature en el journal de JeremiahMorelli
Feature en el journal de CearaFinn
Feature en el journal de Cesar-09
Feature en el journal de CiLiNDr0
Feature en el journal de padisio
Feature en el journal de vvirtual

3er Premio
3 meses de suscripción a DeviantART
1 poster a 60cm x 90cm de la obra premiada
Feature en el journal de ElenaDudina
Feature en el journal de Yasny-chan
Feature en el journal de VampirePrincess007
Feature en el journal de Xepy
Feature en el journal de JeremiahMorelli
Feature en el journal de CearaFinn
Feature en el journal de Cesar-09
Feature en el journal de CiLiNDr0
Feature en el journal de padisio
Feature en el journal de vvirtual

4º Premio
1 mes de suscripción a DeviantART
1 poster a 60cm x 90cm de la obra premiada
Feature en el journal de ElenaDudina
Feature en el journal de Yasny-chan
Feature en el journal de VampirePrincess007
Feature en el journal de Xepy
Feature en el journal de JeremiahMorelli
Feature en el journal de CearaFinn
Feature en el journal de Cesar-09
Feature en el journal de CiLiNDr0
Feature en el journal de padisio
Feature en el journal de vvirtual

5º Premio
1 poster a 60cm x 90cm de la obra premiada
Feature en el journal de ElenaDudina
Feature en el journal de Yasny-chan
Feature en el journal de VampirePrincess007
Feature en el journal de Xepy
Feature en el journal de JeremiahMorelli
Feature en el journal de CearaFinn
Feature en el journal de Cesar-09
Feature en el journal de CiLiNDr0
Feature en el journal de padisio
Feature en el journal de vvirtual

- Si se utiliza material gratuito que no sea propio (stock) deberá usarse según las condiciones del propietario o propietaria.
- Se acepta cualquier tipo de obra visual, es decir: arte tradicional, arte digital, fotomontajes (aka fotomanipulaciones), arte en 3D (Poser, Vue, Daz,… ), y demás.
- Las obras tienen que ser originales para este concurso. Esto significa que han de haber sido subidas a dA con posterioridad al 27 de Octubre.
- Se pueden presentar tantos trabajos como se desee, siempre que sean originales para este concurso
- Para enviar una obra, simplemente envíame una nota con el texto “Entrada Concurso Atlántida”
- Se debe poner un enlace a este journal en la descripción de la obra, indicado que se ha realizado para este concurso. Tambien se puede utilizar el magnífico stamp que nuevamente ha creado Yasny-chan para la ocasión.

Bueno, pues poco más que decir.

¿Cómo ves La Atlántida en tu imaginación?

Concurso Atlantida by Yasny-chanstamps

30/nov/2009 - Añadidas las últimas 14 entradas, y cerrado el concurso, 3 días mas tarde de lo anunciado debido a un imprevisto personal. Lamento el retraso. Ahora es la hora de juzgar. Los ganadores se anunciarán cuando ls jueces hayamos hecho nuestra parte en este asunto, que calculo será dentro de 2-3 días.
28/nov/2009 - Debido a un asunto inesperado, no voy a estar en casa, por lo que no voy a poder actualizar los últimos trabajo ni cerrar el concurso, hasta el Domingo por la noche. Lamento los inconvenientes.
26/nov/2009 (por la mañana) - Añadidas 5 nuevas entradas y un nuevo premio (¡Gracias!)
25/nov/2009 - Añadidas 13 nuevas entradas y un nuevo premio (¡Gracias!)
19/nov/2009 - Añadidas 6 nuevas entradas
13/nov/2009 - Añadidas 4 nuevas entradas y un nuevo premio (¡gracias!)
10/nov/2009 - Añadida 1 nueva entrada, y eliminada de forma cautelar una entrada acusada de plagio
9/nov/2009 - Añadidas 4 nuevas entradas
6/nov/2009 - Añadidas 4 nuevas entradas
4/nov/2009 - Añadidas 6 nuevas entradas
2/nov/2009 - Añadidos 5 premios (¡Gracias a todos!) y las primeras 8 entradas
Entrada original creada el 27/oct/2009

Guardians of the Lost City by violscraper por violscraper
:thumb141855367: por Scatharis
Atlantis adventures by catboyrus por catboyrus
Golden Past by desired18 por desired18
Atlantis Roof Seen From Above by BellaElizabethLarsen por BellaElizabethLarsen
Atlantean Jewel by BellaElizabethLarsen por BellaElizabethLarsen
Atlantean Fire by BellaElizabethLarsen por BellaElizabethLarsen
Lost City by SageDarkling por SageDarkling
Paradise is Lost by Filmchild por Filmchild
Atlantis Library by Silvestrin por Silvestrin
Atlantida -Seguridad ciudadana by paupaula por paupaula
Atlantis Goddess by Ellyevans679 por Ellyevans679
The priestess's new servants by LoneWolfsHeart por LoneWolfsHeart
Sono Hanshoku by Xanryu por Xanryu
por KalosysArt
Atlantis contest by jnette-2 por jnette-2
Last of The Forsaken by Xainde por Xainde
life by coby01 por coby01
New Atlantis by Chromamancer por Chromamancer
:thumb142733585: por Gerda1946
Forgotten City by Nothorn por Nothorn
Atlantis by spani5h por spani5h
from silence to tsunami by coby01 por coby01
Downfall by Fuiin por Fuiin
:thumb143174042: por Allegro-Designs
Eternal Light by Kagit por Kagit
Shell of Atlantis by fairychamber por fairychamber
por KalosysArt
Last Moon Over Atlantis by LordScythe por LordScythe
Poseidon by Vanz3D por Vanz3D
:thumb143925562: por Long-Pham
por KalosysArt
Atlantis by Ka-Kind por Ka-Kind
-Atlantis Ruins- by enixeffex por enixeffex
Atlantis Melody by SolarRayn por SolarRayn
por moroka323
Escenario de ariel XD by Vanz3D por Vanz3D
atlantis by wind-hime-kaze por wind-hime-kaze
Atlantis by FrozenStarART por FrozenStarART
Atlantis by elita141 por elita141
:thumb144626829: por EBENEWOOD
Contest Entry: Atlantida by darkikari por darkikari
:thumb144676067: por sandrasendori
:thumb144689678: por differentego
+Atlantis Touch+ by moroka323 por moroka323
The City of Atlantis by randomstarlight por randomstarlight
Atlantis by KYRA2410 por KYRA2410
Last Whisper From Atlantis by Golubaja por Golubaja

Mature Content

Silent play by esstera
por esstera

Mature Content

Echoes fade by esstera
por esstera
Dione by Vasya27 por Vasya27
Telkhin in Atlantis by inSOLense por inSOLense
Dangerous Encounter by Delun por Delun
Otomos Observatory by Delun por Delun
Spiralweed Village by Delun por Delun
por CearaFinn
The History Lesson - Atlantis by marthig por marthig
Atlantis by luciediamonds por luciediamonds
:thumb144964967: por angesmoke
Remembering Atlantis by GypsyH por GypsyH
:thumb145088872: por phoenixleo
Matte - Lost among the ruins by MartaNael por MartaNael
Eye of the storm by coby01 por coby01

Mature Content

Queen of Atlantis by hedaard
por hedaard

CSS diseñado por vvirtual sin tener ni idea de CSS, asi que no seais demasiado durs

Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In

How do you imagine Atlantis?

30/nov/2009 - Added the last 14 entries & closed the contest, 3 days late due to personal issues. Sorry for that. It's time to judge. Winners will be posted as soon as the judges do their (our) job, probably in 2-3 days.
(entries & updates history at the end of this journal)


What have in common: The Azores Islands, (Atlantic Ocean), Bimini Island (near Florida), Crete (Mediterranean sea), Tartessos (near actual Cádiz, Spain), Malta (Mediterranean sea), Andes (Bolivia part), Pharos Island (Alexandria, Egypt), Atlas mountains (north of Africa), Cyprus (Mediterranean sea), Coto de Doñana (Spain), Cyclades (Aegean sea), Sardinia (Mediterranean sea), Antarctica or Pegasus Galaxy (up there, very far away), and other hundreds that simply don’t fit here? The only common point is that all them has been, and are, inheritors of a myth that someone pointed to them.

¿What have in common authors like Plato, Jules Verne, Marvel Comics Group, or DC, or Walt Disney Company?

Atlantis Contest by Yasny-chanstamps

Atlantis. La Atlántida in spanish, Atlantidae in german, Atlantide in italian, L’Atlantide in french, Atlântida in portuguese,… and so we could keep on, cause most of the common languages of the world include a Word to define the named Lost Continent.

What can have Atlantis myth to attract so much human imagination?

Sunken under the ocean, destroyed by the force of the sea, and lost, as narrated by Jules Verne in his novel 20000 leagues under the sea.

Hidden into the earth, old and forgotten, as fancied by Disney’s artists in the movie Atlantis.

A sunken city in a planet in Pegasus Galaxy, as told by the screenwriters of the StarGate Atlantis TV series.

Anyway, the main point all or almost all have in common is the relationship of Atlantis and water. The transparent liquid is the first idea that comes to our mind when we see, listen, or simply recognize Atlantis somewhere. You only must do a search in DeviantART to realize that, when take off the ones relates with Disney’s movie and StarGate TV series, almost everything remain is… water.
It was mainly a search in DeviantART, and some of the found images, what inspired me for releasing this second contest. If my first contest was about Fantasy Landscapes, the second should be something so much inspiring as the first one. And there’s not very much things that feed the imagination as much as Atlantis.

Cause Atlantis is much more than water. It’s power, it’s energy, it’s oblivion, is claustrophobia, it’s state-of-the-art technology, it’s hydrophobia, is beauty, is desolation, is a night landscape showing an atlantean woman watching the moon… or the moons, it’s a giant wave annihilating a city, is a woman with a greek costume, is a man with a spear… or a laser, it’s a siren staring the highest building of her submerged city, it’s a dome under the sea… or in the space, it’s an island under an iceberg… or over it, it’s a warrior riding a killer whale… or a child riding a dolphin, it’s an amazon with a high technology robotech, or a child playing with a broken doll hooked to the doors that protect the city of the flooding, it’s a circular city surrounded by canals, it’s a fish swimming the ruins, it’s a bird flying over the most technological of the cities, it’s a cow grazing quietly while an atlantean milking her udder…

Your turn. Close your eyes during a moment. Think one only Word: “Atlantis”. What’s the first think coming to your mind?

So, now, open your eyes, take your pen, mouse or graphic tablet, and start shaping it.

Share with DeviantART in general, and with the crazy lovers of the most marvelous fantasy, your unique vision of Atlantis.

Wanna help us?

Atlantis Contest by Yasny-chanstamps

Active Dates
Starting: 27 October
Ending: 27 November

No way I dare to judge art by myself, So, I’ve requested again the help of 4 great artists to help me in the arduous duty of decide which works will be awarded.
My deepest and sincere gratitude to the judges of the contest (alphabetical order):

If someone wish collaborate and donate any prize, features or any other thing, will be more than welcomed

1st Place
1 year subscription to DeviantART by vvirtual
3 month subscription to DeviantART by Yasny-chan
3 posters of the winner works, 60cm x 90cm, one of them of the awarded entry
An exclusive stock from FrozenStarART
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of Xepy
Feature in the journal of JeremiahMorelli
Feature in the journal of CearaFinn
Feature in the journal of Cesar-09
Feature in the journal of CiLiNDr0
Feature in the journal of padisio
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

2nd Place
6 months subscription to DeviantART
2 posters of the winner works, 60cm x 90cm, one of them of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of Xepy
Feature in the journal of JeremiahMorelli
Feature in the journal of CearaFinn
Feature in the journal of Cesar-09
Feature in the journal of CiLiNDr0
Feature in the journal of padisio
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

3rd Place
3 months subscription to DeviantART
1 poster 60cm x 90cm of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of Xepy
Feature in the journal of JeremiahMorelli
Feature in the journal of CearaFinn
Feature in the journal of Cesar-09
Feature in the journal of CiLiNDr0
Feature in the journal of padisio
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

4th Place
1 month subscription to DeviantART
1 poster 60cm x 90cm of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of Xepy
Feature in the journal of JeremiahMorelli
Feature in the journal of CearaFinn
Feature in the journal of Cesar-09
Feature in the journal of CiLiNDr0
Feature in the journal of padisio
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

5th Place
1 poster 60cm x 90cm of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of Xepy
Feature in the journal of JeremiahMorelli
Feature in the journal of CearaFinn
Feature in the journal of Cesar-09
Feature in the journal of CiLiNDr0
Feature in the journal of padisio
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

- If you use any kind of stock, you must follow the rules of the owner
- Any kind of visual art can be submitted: traditional art, digital art, photomanipulations, 3D art (Poser, Vue, Daz,… ), etc.
- Entries must be done for the contest. This means work must be submitted to dA during or after 27 October. Please do not submit entries of older works.
- You can submit as many entries as you wish, as well as they’ve been created for this contest only.
- To submit a work, send me a note with the subject “Atlantis contest”
- You must link this journal in the description of the work. Also you can use the magnificent stamp that Yasny-chan has created for this contest.

Well, so, no more to say.

How do you imagine Atlantis?

Atlantis Contest by Yasny-chanstamps

30/nov/2009 - Added the last 14 entries & closed the contest, 3 days late due to personal issues. Sorry for that. It's time to judge. Winners will be posted as soon as the judges do their (our) job, probably in 2-3 days.
28/nov/2009 - Due to an unexpected issue, I'll not be at home till Sunday night, so I'll not be able to close the contest till then. Sorry for the inconvenience.
26/nov/2009 (morning) - Added 5 new entries & a new prize (Thanks!)
25/nov/2009 - Added 13 new entries & a new prize (Thanks!)
19/nov/2009 - Added 6 new entries
13/nov/2009 - Added 4 new entries & 1 new prize (thanks!)
10/nov/2009 - Added 1 new entry, and precautionary removed a previous entry by possible plagiarism
9/nov/2009 - Added 4 new entries
6/nov/2009 - Added 4 new entries
4/nov/2009 - Added 6 new entries
2/nov/2009 - Added 5 new prizes (thanks!) & the first 8 entries
Original entry created 27/oct/2009

Guardians of the Lost City by violscraper by violscraper
:thumb141855367: by Scatharis
Atlantis adventures by catboyrus by catboyrus
Golden Past by desired18 by desired18
Atlantis Roof Seen From Above by BellaElizabethLarsen by BellaElizabethLarsen
Atlantean Jewel by BellaElizabethLarsen by BellaElizabethLarsen
Atlantean Fire by BellaElizabethLarsen by BellaElizabethLarsen
Lost City by SageDarkling by SageDarkling
Paradise is Lost by Filmchild by Filmchild
Atlantis Library by Silvestrin by Silvestrin
Atlantida -Seguridad ciudadana by paupaula by paupaula
Atlantis Goddess by Ellyevans679 by Ellyevans679
The priestess's new servants by LoneWolfsHeart by LoneWolfsHeart
Sono Hanshoku by Xanryu by Xanryu
by KalosysArt
Atlantis contest by jnette-2 by jnette-2
Last of The Forsaken by Xainde by Xainde
life by coby01 by coby01
New Atlantis by Chromamancer by Chromamancer
:thumb142733585: by Gerda1946
Forgotten City by Nothorn by Nothorn
Atlantis by spani5h by spani5h
from silence to tsunami by coby01 by coby01
Downfall by Fuiin by Fuiin
:thumb143174042: by Allegro-Designs
Eternal Light by Kagit by Kagit
Shell of Atlantis by fairychamber by fairychamber
by KalosysArt
Last Moon Over Atlantis by LordScythe by LordScythe
Poseidon by Vanz3D by Vanz3D
:thumb143925562: by Long-Pham
by KalosysArt
Atlantis by Ka-Kind by Ka-Kind
-Atlantis Ruins- by enixeffex by enixeffex
Atlantis Melody by SolarRayn by SolarRayn
by moroka323
Escenario de ariel XD by Vanz3D by Vanz3D
atlantis by wind-hime-kaze by wind-hime-kaze
Atlantis by FrozenStarART by FrozenStarART
Atlantis by elita141 by elita141
:thumb144626829: by EBENEWOOD
Contest Entry: Atlantida by darkikari by darkikari
:thumb144676067: by sandrasendori
:thumb144689678: by differentego
+Atlantis Touch+ by moroka323 by moroka323
The City of Atlantis by randomstarlight by randomstarlight
Atlantis by KYRA2410 by KYRA2410
Last Whisper From Atlantis by Golubaja by Golubaja

Mature Content

Silent play by esstera
by esstera

Mature Content

Echoes fade by esstera
by esstera
Dione by Vasya27 by Vasya27
Telkhin in Atlantis by inSOLense by inSOLense
Dangerous Encounter by Delun by Delun
Otomos Observatory by Delun by Delun
Spiralweed Village by Delun by Delun
by CearaFinn
The History Lesson - Atlantis by marthig by marthig
Atlantis by luciediamonds by luciediamonds
:thumb144964967: by angesmoke
Remembering Atlantis by GypsyH by GypsyH
:thumb145088872: by phoenixleo
Matte - Lost among the ruins by MartaNael by MartaNael
Eye of the storm by coby01 by coby01

Mature Content

Queen of Atlantis by hedaard
by hedaard

CSS diseñado por vvirtual sin tener ni idea de CSS, asi que no seais demasiado durs

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Versión en ESPAÑOL aqui

How do you imagine Atlantis?

(Please, excuse my horrible English)


What have in common:  The Azores Islands, (Atlantic Ocean), Bimini Island (near Florida), Crete (Mediterranean sea), Tartessos (near actual Cádiz, Spain), Malta (Mediterranean sea), Andes (Bolivia part), Pharos Island (Alexandria, Egypt), Atlas  mountains (north of Africa), Cyprus  (Mediterranean sea), Coto de Doñana (Spain), Cyclades (Aegean sea), Sardinia (Mediterranean sea), Antarctica or Pegasus Galaxy (up there, very far away), and other hundreds that simply don’t fit here? The only common point is that all them has been, and are, inheritors of a myth that someone pointed to them.

¿What have in common authors like Plato, Jules Verne, Marvel Comics Group, or DC, or Walt Disney Company?

Atlantis Contest by Yasny-chanstamps

Atlantis. La Atlántida in spanish, Atlantidae in german, Atlantide in italian, L’Atlantide in french, Atlântida in portuguese,… and so we could keep on, cause most of the common languages of the world include a Word to define the named Lost Continent.

What can have Atlantis myth to attract so much human imagination?

Sunken under the ocean, destroyed by the force of the sea, and lost, as narrated by Jules Verne in his novel 20000 leagues under the sea.

Hidden into the earth, old and forgotten, as fancied by Disney’s artists in the movie Atlantis.

A sunken city in a planet in Pegasus Galaxy, as told by the screenwriters of the StarGate Atlantis TV series.

Anyway, the main point all or almost all have in common is the relationship of Atlantis and water. The transparent liquid is the first idea that comes to our mind when we see, listen, or simply recognize Atlantis somewhere. You only must do a search in DeviantART to realize that, when take off the ones relates with Disney’s movie and StarGate TV series, almost everything remain is… water.
It was mainly a search in DeviantART, and some of the found images, what inspired me for releasing this second contest. If my first contest was about Fantasy Landscapes, the second should be something so much inspiring as the first one. And there’s not very much things that feed the imagination as much as Atlantis.

Cause Atlantis is much more than water. It’s power, it’s energy, it’s oblivion, is claustrophobia, it’s state-of-the-art technology, it’s hydrophobia, is beauty, is desolation, is a night landscape showing an atlantean woman watching the moon… or the moons, it’s a giant wave annihilating a city, is a woman with a greek costume, is a man with a spear… or a laser, it’s a siren staring the highest building of her submerged city, it’s a dome under the sea… or in the space, it’s an island under an iceberg… or over it, it’s a warrior riding a killer whale… or a child riding a dolphin, it’s an amazon with a high technology robotech, or a child playing with a broken doll hooked to the doors that protect the city of the flooding, it’s a circular city surrounded by canals, it’s a fish swimming the ruins, it’s a bird flying over the most technological of the cities, it’s a cow grazing quietly while an atlantean milking her udder…

Your turn. Close your eyes during a moment. Think one only Word: “Atlantis”. What’s the first think coming to your mind?

So, now, open your eyes, take your pen, mouse or graphic tablet, and start shaping it.

Share with DeviantART in general, and with the crazy lovers of the most marvelous fantasy, your unique vision of Atlantis.

Wanna help us?

Atlantis Contest by Yasny-chanstamps

Active Dates
Starting: 27 October 2009
Ending: 27 November 2009

No way I dare to judge art by myself, So, I’ve requested again the help of 4 great artists to help me in the arduous duty of decide which works will be awarded.
My deepest and sincere gratitude to the judges of the contest (alphabetical order):

If someone wish collaborate and donate any prize, features or any other thing, will be more than welcomed

Prize list will be updated in the journal (click here)

1st Place
1 year subscription to DeviantART by vvirtual
3 posters of the winner works, 60cm x 90cm, one of them of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

2nd Place
6 months subscription to DeviantART
2 posters of the winner works, 60cm x 90cm, one of them of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

3rd Place
3 months subscription to DeviantART
1 poster  60cm x 90cm of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

4th Place
1 month subscription to DeviantART
1 poster  60cm x 90cm of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

5th Place
1 poster  60cm x 90cm of the awarded entry
Feature in the journal of ElenaDudina
Feature in the journal of Yasny-chan
Feature in the journal of VampirePrincess007
Feature in the journal of vvirtual

- If you use any kind of stock, you must follow the rules of the owner
- Any kind of visual art can be submitted: traditional art, digital art, photomanipulations, 3D art (Poser, Vue, Daz,… ), etc.
- Entries must be done for the contest. This means work must be submitted to dA during or after 27 October. Please do not submit entries of older works.
- You can submit as many entries as you wish, as well as they’ve been created for this contest only.
- To submit a work, send me a note with the subject “Fantasy Landscape contest”
- You must link this journal in the description of the work. Also you can use the magnificent stamp that Yasny-chan has created for this contest.

Well, so, no more to say.

How do you imagine Atlantis?

Atlantis Contest by Yasny-chanstamps

Entries & updates will be posted in the journal (click here)
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Winners 'Atlantis Contest' 1st Edition by vvirtual, journal

Ganadores concurso 'La Atlantida and q by vvirtual, journal

Concurso 'La Atlantida' / 1 E by vvirtual, journal

Contest 'Atlantis' / 1st Edition by vvirtual, journal

Contest 'Atlantis' / 1st Edition by vvirtual, journal